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List last modified on: Sunday, December 14, 2003

FAQ's by Category: woodworking A series of FAQ's on various aspects of Woodworking
EMMERT Vise This page is dedicated to the finest vise ever made, the EMMERT Vise. THe Emmert is a patternmakers vise of vast flexibility and utility.
A Millers Falls Home This non- profit, educational site is devoted to a study of the hand- powered woodworking tools once manufactured by the Massachusetts- based Millers Falls Company. Although the emphasis of this study is on products marketed between 1900 and 1982, some nineteenth century history and tools are presented.
Dealers in Antique and used tools
Union Hill Antique Tools: Ornamental Turning Union Hill Antique Tools is pleased to present this web site dedicated to the use, preservation, and extension of lathe, antique tool, and woodturning knowledge. Here you will find many articles of interest if you like ornamental turning or antique tools (or both!). There are lists of tools for sale and information on my web site creation service. Use the gold links at the left to navigate the site.
Union Hill Antique Tools Union Hill Antique Tools is pleased to present this web site dedicated to the use, preservation, and extension of lathe, antique tool, and woodturning knowledge. Here you will find many articles of interest if you like ornamental turning or antique tools (or both!). There are lists of tools for sale and information on my web site creation service. Use the gold links at the left to navigate the site.
Trinders' Fine Tools - selected tools and books for the craftsman, engineer and collector TRINDERS' FINE TOOLS - the principal UK Internet source for quality woodworking tools, including planes manufactured by Norris, Preston, Spiers, Stanley, Millers Falls etc; also tools for other trades. We also list a wide range of recent and second-hand woodworking books, including original and reprint tool catalogues, books on woodworking and metalworking techniques, also furniture reference, horology and design.
Tony Murland Toolshop & Auctions Website This site belongs to one of the larger English tool dealers and is chock full of useful information. Tony Murland has the normal commerical information about his auctions and the new and antique tools he sells but he also has a lot of space devoted to overviews of all different types of tools and interesting infomration about them.
The Tool Exchange Australia's dealer in antique and user tools for the collector, user and trade. We operate out of Queensland, Australia here on the Sunshine Coast. We get 90% of all our tools from deceased estates which arrive weekly. Our range of tools include stanley, record , Moore & Wright, Starrett, Sidchrome, Snap-on, Carter and many others. So if you have a need come and have a look often as our pages change weekly.
The Superior Works: Patrick's Blood and Gore Beginning of the Saga - The Stanley Plane Reference This is the home of a huge reference on Stanley planes. with pictures and everything. Highly personal this is the best single oeverall reference on Stanley tools avaiable on the net that I know of.
The Old Tool Shop The Old Tool Shop site sells old woodworking tools, chisels, measuring tools, collectables and accessories. Many planes and chisels including Norris, Spiers, Shepley, Addis, Mathieson and many more.

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