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List last modified on: Sunday, December 14, 2003

Woodworker's Central - Home of the Woodworker's Website Association A site built by woodworkers for woodworkers with lots of varied, useful information. Features include the Info Exchange, Tool Survey, Accident Survey, several hand-built, searchable URL databases, The Woodworker's Gazette, an online magazine and The Woodworker's Maze - a timed contest to determine your knowledge of woodworking.
Wood-worker.com Wood-worker.com is a website for both the beginning and advanced woodworker. The site contains many valuable resource sections including; free woodworking plans, wood properties, power tool comparison charts, articles, and much more.
Woodturning reference and information site For the advancement of both amateur and professional woodturning
WoodCentral Asite with tons of interesting features for woodworkers, including a well-known message frequented by experts, over 325 "Shop Shots" featuring vignettes of shop fixtures and finished work, tall tales from the Northwest, woodland lore and more. Stop by our Emporium to browse some of the eclectic and excellent products and services, and check into our chat room four nights a week for lively woodworking discussions.
W5:WoodWorking on the World Wide Web This large links site has in addition to lots of links to most of the major woodworking sites on the WWW a large section devoted to software for woodworking. They also sell books on line in their bookstore.
Unique Projects Free and detailed plans for a wide variety of unique projects including woodworking, furniture making, origami, crafts etc. Our offerings vary from simple ideas to challenging undertakings. New projects are added each Thursday: sign up for our free newsletter to receive weekly updates. We also have an extensive philosophy section where we focus on issues related to doing it yourself, materialism, uniqueness and design. As the name suggests, prepare yourself for something unique!
The Demesne of dis Pater A personal website featuring a comprehensive history of the lathe from earliest times to 1820, a section on gun founding technology in 18th century England, and a section on Portugese gunmaking in the 17th century
The Autobiagraphy of Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890 James Nasmyth helped invent the industrial revolution. Or more properly he invented some of the most important machine tools of the industrial revolution. His autobiography is a very interesting well - written read for anyone interested in industrial history and tools. This site have the entire text on-line for free and you can read it there or, since the book is still in print (Lindsay publication) if you like it you can buy a copy.
Sheffield, England You talk English tools, you talk Sheffield, the old center of tool manufacture of last century England and therefore the world. THere are still a lot of tool companies in and around Sheffield and this website is a compendium of things happening now in the city.
rec.woodworking tidbits

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